June 26, 2010

It's Been a While

I feel like I haven't done a post in forever. I have a video I've been wanting to post of Owen's new move, shaking his head "no". It's too cute.

In therapy we are working on extending his arms and putting more weight on them and sitting. Owen is doing really well, he will sit for about 30 seconds with support from his hands and with a little stool used like a table he will sit for about 5 mins! I'm so excited for him and can't wait until he can sit on his own with no support.

We bought Owen a Toy Story papasan chair. I'm pretty sure it's meant more toddlers but Owen fits perfectly in it and it is so cute.

1 comment:

  1. he is super cute in his chair. I tested out several chairs before I found the perfect one at Ikea. hehe
